Monday, April 2, 2018

Derren Brown & Michael Shermer

@27:38 Brown summarizes a major aspect of stoicism stating
"one of the big the big building blocks of stoicism is this familiar idea now of you know, it's not things in the world that cause our problems but it's those stories we tell ourselves about those things"

@38:41 When talking about happiness vs pleasure Brown says
"because that's the difference isn't it between a pleasurable thing in the moment you know if you have the choice between going on a roller coaster, I think Daniel Kahneman used this example, going on a roller coaster with your friends versus looking after a sick relative, you probably have more pleasure on a roller coaster but afterwards when you think about what you've done with your day you might be happy with the fact that you chose to look after the sick relative because the story that you're telling yourself about who you are and the choice that you made are more conducive to happiness"

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